Earlier this year, Swiftcam made a debut in the Indian market with its gimbal lineup. The new products included Swiftcam M3s and Swiftcam G3s. The M3s is the mobile version and the G3 is the GoPro one. Gimbal is basically a handheld stabilizer for cameras and smartphones. The device compensates for external movement and keeps the camera in balance. We are a gadget fan and luckily we got a chance to play with the Swiftcam M3s gimbal and this is our full overview of this product.
A gimbal helps to take stabilized videos. Almost all professional cameramen, vloggers, film production crew, smartphone videographers, and enthusiasts use stabilizers. All that differs are size and quality. Film crews and big producers use gimbals for DSLRs, and video cameras which are huge. On the other hand, mobile video makers, solo travelers on a budget, and gadget lovers use mobile gimbals. So this is where Swiftcam M3s come into place. The Swiftcam M3s price in India is Rs 6,000, and the price in Nepal is Rs 9,500 which converts to $95 internationally.
So what is attractive about this new accessory? We know we can get some cool and fancy gimbals for around $350 (NPR 35k / INR 22k) in the market, but the Swiftcam costs one-fourth this amount and that is what makes it special. It means the low-budget beginners can also enjoy stabilization. We tested this product for over a month and used it to its full potential so that we can enjoy and provide you with a full comprehensive review of this new gadget.
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Introduction to Design and Support
The Swiftcam M3s gimbal is the winner of the ‘Red Dot Design Award 2015’. This shows that it is a gadget designed with care. M3s is a handheld device that helps to take stabilized videos using smartphones. At first, there is a pressure clip mechanism at the top to hold smartphones. The clamp can balance big phones such as Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6, iPhone 6S, OnePlus X, Galaxy S7 Edge, and other new phones. So it can easily handle 5.0″ and 4.5″ smartphones with ease.
It is built very solid and the whole body is built of metal. For better grip and handling Swiftcam has also provided an ergonomic rubber grip. The design is similar to that of any other gimbals available in the market, so users can easily familiarize themselves. On-handling, it gives a pleasing feel, thanks to its gripped design.
The clamp for holding phones is strong and is connected to stabilizers. The Swiftcam M3s uses a gyroscope and a couple of brush-less motors to stabilize the entire phone. The whole mechanical setup does work by counteracting the movement of the gimbal. By counteracting external movement, the phone in the clip stays stable. Actually, there is a 3-axis stabilization so it can provide better stability.
Swiftcam M3s Gimbal Main Hardware
The Swift M3s uses gyroscopes, brushless motors, and 3 batteries to operate. Actually, there are other small parts as well but these are important things. The batteries are of common size and can be easily found in the market. This is what makes a better device because unlike others there is no sealed battery or proprietary design. So you can easily replace batteries if needed in the future.
The M3s comes with an extra counterweight for balancing heavy devices like an iPhone 6s Plus or Galaxy Note 5. If you are not using a big phone then there is no need to use a counterweight. So the design of the device is well thought out. In our experience, the hardware is refined and is very simple to use. The joystick which controls the movement is present in the center of the device and is followed by a power switch on the opposite end. It has a strong build so it can survive a couple of drops from a height about table top.
Features and Experience
Many people carry gimbals while walking or doing activities to make videos. This is the most common use case because we need stable video while in movement. However, the Swiftcam M3s can also be mounted on a tripod to enjoy additional functionalities. There is a 360-degree horizontal pan, pivot, and tilt feature that can be used through joystick control on the device. Such movements help to create interesting video shots and B-rolls. For example, we used these special movements to make some of our review videos. All these maneuvering features are on the mobile app available for smartphones as well. The mobile app certainly adds lots of features and makes the gimbal easy to use.
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In our experience, the software is a bit buggy but it is usable though. At first, we had trouble pairing the device for the first couple of days but soon we got things under control. In case of support, Swiftcam M3s app supports both Android and iOS. So the app and stabilizer work with most devices available on the market. One problem we have come to know is that Switcam does send OTA updates periodically for updating device firmware. It would have been better to see regular updates because that is a sign of a good after-sale support.
Wrapping Up with Summary
Video stabilization is very important if you are a serious professional, passionate mobile videographer, vlogger, or enthusiast. It is an interesting device to use and it does produce very stable videos. Swiftcam M3s gimbal is a good answer to people who want such mobile stabilizers on an affordable budget. If you are unknown about film production, you should know that almost all footage that you see in a theater is shot using gimbals. Moreover, most YouTubers also use these gadgets for shooting and making interesting shots.
In our experience, this gadget or the M3s gave us a great experience and also gave great videos. For us, this device gives full value for money. We liked Swiftcam M3s very much and if you are thinking of buying or if you are interested then it is a recommended buy from us.